Apple announced the new Apple iPhone 5c that is only $99 for the 16 GB and $199 for the 32 GB model. Now everyone can afford an iPhone.
The rumors about the name of this bargain iPhone were also true. It’s called the iPhone 5C. Yes, they actually used the letter “C” — inviting everyone to assume that the C stands for “cheap”, “cheapo” or “crappy”.
That may not be fair, though, because the new $99 iPhone 5C promises all of the specs and technical firepower of the previous iPhone 5 — but with a much lower price tag. “The iPhone 5C comes with everything from the iPhone 5, and more,” Apple SVP of marketing Phil Schiller told the assembled crowd. The exterior of the iPhone 5C is simply made of different, less-costly silicone rubber materials. You still get the 4-inch Retina Display of the iPhone 5, you still get the 8 megapixel camera and you get a faster processor and a better battery than those included on last year’s iPhone 5.
“When you pick up and hold the 5C for the first time, you’ll be blown away by the quality,” Mr. Schiller said at the announcement. Be aware, however, that those $99 and $199 prices are only available when you commit to a two-year contract with a selected cellular service provider. In other words, you have to commit (or re-up your commitment) with either AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile or Verizon for two years to get your iPhone 5C for $99 or $199. No off-contract prices were announced.
These new, low-priced iPhones also come in your choice of blue, green, red, yellow or white — but only on the back. The front of every iPhone 5C will be black, but you get your choice of back color when ordering or purchasing. And if you get sick of that color, you can buy a new color casing for $29 (though these cases strangely have cheese grater-like holes in them).
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